Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Behind the Beauty: Iman

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" spread out throughout our globe to point out that all women are pretty and individualistic. However, not all women might combine natural beauty of both: appearance and mind. Therefore, a mix of beauty and intelligence brings enormous popularity and recognition to our celebrities and successful businesswomen. It is obvious that African region is tuned up with gorgeous African goddesses as any other parts of the world. So, let's talk about one of the most remarkable African beauties. She is one of the most famous and successful African fashion model, actress, and entrepreneur, Iman Mohamed Abdulmajid. In the media world she is known as Iman. She was born on July 25, 1955 in Mogadishu, Somalia. Naturally beautiful and smart Iman attended high school in Egypt and later studied political science at the University of Nairobi, Kenya. Plus, she managed to become fluent in five languages: English, Somali, Arabic, French, and Italian. According to Iman, she has never considered herself as beautiful when she was a teenager:

When I was in high school -- we were like 4,000 or 5,000 students, and 50 girls -- and I didn't have a date for my prom. My father paid my cousin to take me.

However, during her college year, a dark swan turned into a beautiful flower who was right away noticed by  the American photographer, Peter Beard, who influenced the growth of her modeling career and migration to the US. After her successful debut for Vogue in 1976, she became a cover of most of the prestigious fashion magazines which quite quickly moved her to the status of a supermodel. 

Even though Iman has been insisting that she has a typical Somali look, the whole world has been stricken by the beauty of Iman's frail frame with a long neck, copper-toned skin, and an exotic accent. After almost two decades of modeling career, Iman turned into a businesswoman. She launched her own cosmetics line for ethical women. Further, she launched her own clothing design line, followed by significant works on TV and movies. In addition, she turned a completely different angel of her field of expertise and has worked on creating video games, and charitable endeavors.  

Over the course of her flourishing career in different fields of business and media worlds, Iman's dedicated work has been rewarded multiple times. She became not only one of the most rewarded and successful women of Africa, but also around the world. I have to highlight that she managed not only always look gorgeous and successful, but also play her part as as lovely wife to a British rock musician David Bowie, and a role model mother for her two daughter and step son. If you are one of those men who are driven by the beauty of intelligent African women like Iman, hurry up to meet up with African queens on African Date

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